We have to read two sections of the Bourke Accounting Book Club selection, Jen Sincero’s, “You Are a Bada*s” by Wednesday. I haven’t read it yet. The book is sitting on my table. I walk by it every day and promise: I’ll read it when I get home. Annnd then, when I get home, I watch M*A*S*H because it’s an episode that I haven’t seen since I was ten. Maybe I just stare into space for a while. Very important stuff, to be sure.

Why do we procrastinate? Sometimes it’s because we’re required to do something icky, like clean up dog poop around the yard. Sometimes it’s because it seems like a boring and arduous job that isn’t that important, like organizing a seldom-used closet. Or maybe some of us are just lazy (my hand is in the air).

Mindtools.com offers a legitimate out, though. For some of us, procrastination is “more than a bad habit; it’s a sign of a serious underlying health issue.” Anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder – all of these afflictions can play a role in why we wait until the last minute to complete some task. Of course, according to Mindtools, if you wait around to do something, you will only end up increasing your own stress levels. So, even if you didn’t have these disorders before, procrastinate long enough and you will.

You have received your W2s, 1099s, etc. They are neatly organized in a little folder. You’ve had these documents for a few weeks. Um, this is perhaps a personal question, but why haven’t you seen your Bourke Accounting tax preparer yet? When filing your returns, there are a few reasons you should lock your Procrastination Demon in the basement and come see us:

1. The longer you wait to file, the more “you increase your risk of tax identity theft” (CNBC.com). Hey, you know who doesn’t procrastinate? Bad guys. According to CNBC.com, the miscreants who send in fake returns, do it really early. So, by the time you get around to seeing your Bourke Accounting tax preparer, someone might have already been nice enough to file for you.

2. What if you owe money? If you wait until the last minute and – gasp! – find that you owe a substantial chunk of change to the good old IRS, do you have that cash stashed in your mattress? Give yourself enough time to prepare for an unfavorable scenario. Don’t count on a tax refund to get you through hard times and always rely on the fact that things can go sideways.

3. You’ve had all of your documentation for a while. Are you sure? It’s April 14th and, right in the middle of an appointment with your Bourke Accounting tax preparer, you remember that you worked for a few months somewhere before you landed your Forever Job. But where is that W2? Did you leave it in the car you sold last week? Did you even receive it? I guess you’re going to have to file an extension

Bourke Accounting professionals don’t procrastinate, but you knew that. Our Bourke Accounting experts also won’t rush through your return because the deadline is looming. Whether you come in February 14th or April 14th, you will get incredible, comprehensive service. But for the sake of your mental well-being and your finances, why don’t you make your appointment sooner rather than later?

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

You already know that Bourke Accounting professionals hate thieves. Whether it’s identity thieves, scammers preying on the uninformed or flat-out take the money and run types, Bourke Accounting has no stomach for the whole evil lot. However, there’s another group out there that might be more insidious than the rest. This group takes advantage of the vulnerable and desperate, all under the guise of legality.

Ladies and Gentlemen: let me introduce you to Payday Loans.

In case you are unaware, a payday loan, as defined by Consumerfinance.gov, is “usually a short-term, high cost loan, generally for $500 or less, that is typically due on your next payday.” I know you’ve driven past places that offer these sorts of loans: little building, lots of glass and, out front, there’s a “wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man” (Wikipedia.org) swaying in the breeze. And we all know that nothing says “legit” like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.

Is it possible that I have a problem with these payday loans? Yes, yes, it is. I’ve seen hardworking people practically crushed under the weight of the fees, interest and penalties because they fell on hard times and even harder strip mall loan sharks. These businesses prey on individuals who have just run clean out of options.

Most of these places charge between $15 and $30 in fees for every $100 borrowed. So, if you get a two-week $500 loan at $15, “that works out to an annual percentage rate of almost 400%” (Creditkarma.com). But the fun doesn’t stop there. On top of the original fee, one can also look forward to nonsufficient funds charges that can occur if you don’t have enough in your bank account when the “lenders” try to cash your check. Then there’s late fees and rollover fees (fees charged “on top of the original loan and initial fee to push back your loan’s due date” – Creditkarma.com). According to Nomoredebts.com, a lot of people avoid defaulting on their loan by renewing it, and in some cases, “the loan gets renewed so many times that borrowers can end up paying almost as much as the loan itself in just fees alone.”

Another sweet part of a payday loan is the fact that, once you’ve signed on the dotted line, “you can’t back out” (Creditcards.com). It doesn’t matter if it has only been two seconds since the ink dried, you are on the hook. Even the Devil is willing to give you an opportunity to win your soul back.

So, no. I don’t like payday loans; taking advantage of scared and hopeless people is about as low as kicking puppies. Thankfully, there are now 13 states where “payday lending is illegal or made not feasible by state laws” (Creditcards.com). Hopefully, this trend will spread.

Bourke Accounting hopes that you never find yourself a victim to one of these disgraceful establishments. However, if you find that that’s just what happened, see a Bourke Accounting expert for advice on how to free yourself from the leeches. Your Bourke Accounting specialist wants nothing more than to make your financial journey painless and parasite-free.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

We all know about The Five-Second Rule. You drop a cookie on the floor, look around, pick it up (maybe blow on it) and eat it. If someone else is in the room, you shout: Five-Second Rule! Generally, the other person shrugs and concedes. I mean, come on. Five-Second Rule.

The Five-Second Rule doesn’t apply solely to dropped food, though. For example, after I interviewed at Bourke Accounting, Bill sent me an email offering me a job. It only took five seconds for me to decide: Yes, a job would be very nice right now. In that small timeframe, I started down an unexplored path that is turning out to be very pleasant.

Think about every substantial thing that has occurred in your life. I am willing to bet that the biggest changes happened within five seconds. Let’s say your significant other broke up with you after many years. To be fair, you knew things hadn’t been going well: arguments over money, snide comments, what have you. The break-up conversation lasted for hours, but the important part was that tiny little bit of time when s/he sadly said, “This isn’t working” and your life was drastically altered.

Yes, yes, that was depressing (I’m sorry), but it works the other way, too: you’ve been trying for a long time to have a baby. After almost giving up, your partner presents you with a card that says: Hi, Daddy. In the time it took to read that, everything is different. While you’re hugging and kissing and randomly thinking of names, you think to yourself: I wasn’t doing this five seconds ago…

Since our regular lives are very fragile, it’s important to realize just how much can change within an instant. This is an especially crucial fact to remember while driving. We’ve all seen the commercials advising against texting and driving, yet we still do it. While not intentionally trying to hurt anyone, each time we look down to respond, “See you soon, LOL,” we’re putting others at risk. Everyone who has ever been in an accident can attest to the fact that it was over before they even knew it began. So, please, when you get in the car: seatbelt on, phone off and hands at 10 and 2.

The Five-Second Rule is also in operation when dealing with people outside of cars. If someone is seriously rude to you, more than a few options quickly pop into your head regarding how to proceed. In a heartbeat, and if you choose poorly, your day can go from mildly annoying to devastatingly bad. If your choice is not to walk away, you get to participate in an immature name-calling match. If your choice is even worse than that, you get to spend the night in jail. Always be aware that your peaceful life can become chaotic if you let your baser instincts take control for even a little while.

Besides watching how you drive and deciding not to slap the discourteous clerk, other choices will have a huge impact, as well. When it’s time to seek a tax preparer or bookkeeper, Google will help you find names. And you may even have good luck with them. However, if you want a decision to really change your life for the better, and with no hassle, your only option is a Bourke Accounting professional. Not only will Bourke Accounting specialists listen to your concerns, they will offer solid advice for any situation you could possibly be in. Teaming up with a Bourke Accounting pro will give you the best results of your financial life. And you don’t even have to yell “Five-Second Rule!” if you drop a cookie. Bourke Accounting experts understand you and the Five-Second Rule.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

This morning, my alarm told me that it was time to get up for a new day at Bourke Accounting. I put my feet on the floor and my toes went: Snap, Crackle, Pop. I stood up and my knees said: Bing, Bong, Blip. I bent down to kiss the dogs and my back – being very vocal this morning – announced: Crick, Chhhzzzz, Bork.

It seems that, as soon as I hit 29, my body started making funny noises. It must be said that I don’t exactly take care of myself: I don’t get enough sleep, my diet is the same as it was during my starving college days (even though I have the knowledge and resources to eat better now, I still love SpaghettiOs) and I don’t drink enough water.

So, when Bill gave me a copy of The Week with an article about Kane Tanaka, I was intrigued. Ms. Tanaka is a “Japanese great-great-grandmother [who] celebrated her 117th birthday last week” (The Week – Volume 20, Issue 958). She is now in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest person in the world. After receiving her Guinness certificate, she planned to celebrate by “eating 100 pieces of chocolate” (Thenational.ae).

Every time someone surpasses the standard human lifespan, we ask, well, how did they do that? In Ms. Tanaka’s case, she gets up early, she spends her afternoons studying math and “challenging other care home residents to a round of Othello, her favorite board game” (Thenational.ae). However, perhaps the biggest attributing factor to her longevity might be her eating habits (the 100 chocolates was a fluke, not a habit).

In Japan, there is a dietary practice referred to as “hara hachi bu.” Roughly translated, this means, “belly 80 percent full” (Marieclaire.com). It’s a Confucian “way of life that involves eating only until you are 80 percent full each day” (Marieclaire.com). According to Bluezones.com, this process could explain why Okinawa, for example, “has a higher percentage of centenarians that anywhere else in the world.” It also doesn’t hurt that the Japanese diet is traditionally pretty healthy and high in “Omega-3 fats, known to protect against heart disease” (Thenational.ae).

The benefit of hara hachi bu is apparent when one compares the average caloric intake between a Japanese resident and, say, an American: for men, it’s the difference between 1,900 and 2,500. However, let’s not forget that when the American man hits his 40s, he’ll be “topping out at an average of 2,692” calories (Bluezones.com). Also (again brought to us by Bluezones.com), hara hachi bu stresses eating slowly, paying attention to what you’re digging into (meaning: turn off the TV/computer and actually taste your food) and using “small vessels.” If you put your food on a smaller plate, you’ll naturally eat less and, it’s suggested, that you won’t even notice you’re doing it.

We are not total health nuts at Bourke Accounting (well, Phil might be, he looks awesome), but we know a thing or two. Our Bourke Accounting practitioners are aware that, in order to give you the best in accounting and bookkeeping services, they need to be well-rested and feeling good. We’d like it if you were feeling your best, too. A Bourke Accounting specialist won’t be able to give you eternal youth, but if you allow one of our representatives to assist you with your financial issues, you may find that you sleep better at night. Hey, it’s even possible that you’ll sprout less gray hair with the knowledge that you are in very capable hands.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

I have conducted job interviews and I have hated it. In the beginning, I wanted to hire everyone who walked through the door. It took 3 bad disappointments to make me not want to hire anyone. For example, there was the guy who couldn’t figure out how to operate a cup. A drinking cup. A plain, plastic cup. He smelled like a chemical explosion occurred at his house 10 minutes before his interview but, to be fair, once I transferred his water to a mug, he got the hang of it.

I admit that I was burned out. Eventually, if someone showed up wearing a shirt and didn’t have anything too terrible on that pesky police record, they had a job. I once asked thoughtful questions. After a while, I queried: if you were a can of soup, what kind of soup would you be? Some laughed and gave me a random answer. Some stared blankly at me until I changed tact and questioned their attendance at their last job.

There’s no doubt about it – no matter what side of the table you happen to find yourself, it’s a hellacious experience. Obviously, asking about what kind of animal, soup or car one would be are stupid questions that don’t give any information about the person being interviewed. And, it must be remembered, that the person interviewed for a job is not necessarily the employee you’ll encounter 6 months down the road (I had a boss who was convinced that he had, in actuality, interviewed my classy twin sister). During interviews, we try to present ourselves as engaged, intelligent and super duper sweet. Overtime? Sure, no problem! Nooo, I don’t have an issue working a weekend here and there. We tend to agree to anything if the job looks good enough.

So, as an employer, how do you know what to ask that will really tell you something about your prospective employee? The February 2020 issue of The HR Specialist included some of their readers’ favorite interview questions. For example, “What is the biggest work disaster you’ve been a part of? What role did you play?” The person who posed this question pointed out that if you don’t get a straight answer, that tells you a lot. However, if you do get a straight answer, you “learn even more.”

Another good question, also provided to us by TheHRspecialist.com, asks “what kind of supervisor brings out your peak performance?” This is a great question because it forecasts to the employer what the prospective employee expects and wants in a boss. If the employee says that only a laidback, hippie boss will do and you happen to be an anal-retentive curmudgeon, you’re probably going to experience some friction if you continue with the hiring process. I think this question is probably the most important for both employer and employee.

Obviously, the first question to a would-be employee is: can you do the job? After that, you have to find out if your personality will match with the employee. Of course, this is difficult to ascertain within the confines of a 15-minute interview, but, come on, we all sort of know within 15 minutes if someone gets on our last nerve or not.

As someone who interviewed with both Christina and Bill, I can tell you that they’re not scary. In fact, all of our Bourke Accounting professionals are quite charming. They might ask some difficult questions, but it’s not to torture you. Like the adage that I just made up says: Tell your accountant and bookkeeper the truth or suffer the IRS. Your Bourke Accounting expert doesn’t want to cause you stress, they’re here to help, after all.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

I think I told you that Bill has involved his Bourke Accounting employees in a book club (the new book is Jen Sincero’s, “You Are a BadA*s”). Last week, at our meeting, the question was raised: Do you forgive easily? Most everyone answered that yes, in fact, they do forgive easily. There’s no point in staying angry when it doesn’t hurt anyone but yourself, we’re all mature here, let it go, let it go, let it go.

I just might be the resident rebel agent provocateur, but when the question was posed to me, I honestly replied that I do not forgive easily (if ever). Vanessa Delgado hurt my best friend 20 years ago – if she was on fire, I wouldn’t even…uh, put her out. Ermes Vallencio broke my heart 17 years ago; I’m still waiting for the chance to remove his. Bill tore apart one of my blogs so thoroughly, I was bleeding ink for a week.

Before I get to the touchy-feely optimistic part, let me just say that I don’t necessarily agree that forgiving easily is such a great thing. The longer one holds a grudge, the less likely one is to fall prey to another charlatan. We live and learn and, in my case, hold deep-seated grudges out of a strange self-preservation instinct.

But. Forgiveness is good for you. Psychology Today tells us that forgiving reduces “anger…depression and stress.” Also, if you’re a forgiving sort, you’ll suffer “fewer general health problems and lower incidences of the most serious illnesses – including heart disease.” Yeah, it’s not enough that you’re a sweeter person than me, now you’re healthier, too.

However, speaking for the grudge holders, it’s not really our fault. Johns Hopkins Medicine reveals that “studies have found that some people are just naturally more forgiving.” And wouldn’t you know it? These Pollyannas “tend to be more satisfied with their lives” than someone like yours truly. Ok, so you’re not just healthier, you’re happier, too.

Because I want to be healthy and happy, I did a little bit of research on how one can learn to forgive. From what I’ve read, it’s about as easy as learning to fly by flapping my arms a lot. Some sites told me esoteric stuff about making pals with my inner forgiving goddess. Right, yeah, I’m on it. Psychology Today actually had better advice. One of their concepts is that you should “acknowledge the growth you experienced as a result of what happened.” I have to say, every time that I’ve been hurt, I did learn something. Hard lessons are the ones that teach the most.

Another thing that Psychology Today emphasizes is the point of view of the person who hurt you. The author invites the reader to understand that “the other person was trying to have a need met.” Furthermore, the reader is asked to question what that need was and “why did the person go about it in such a hurtful way?” Like with everything else, once understanding and communication are established, it’s easier to look at the other person as an actual person and not some demonized version of someone we used to like.

I’m not going to learn how to forgive in one day. However, working with the crew at Bourke Accounting, maybe I can learn how to “let it go” a bit; they really are a forgiving group. Show up a little late for your appointment? Our Bourke Accounting professionals won’t make you stand in the corner. Made some bad investment decisions? Bourke Accounting experts won’t even say “I told you so,” they’ll just quietly get your financial life back on track. Bourke Accounting associates might just be The Saints of the P&L.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

You just got married? How nice for you! Your new husband is great; he’s smart and sweet, caring and good-looking. He’s good to your family and he’s good to your dog. All in all, he’s the total package…except for one thing: he didn’t exactly tell you how bad his debt was before you happily said, “I do.” Oh, and he also neglected to mention that he is addicted to buying expensive vintage toys (although his house should have told you that).

I don’t know why I’m surprised that there’s a proper name for this, but there is. It’s called “financial infidelity.” It’s rather self-explanatory, but this is when one partner is “making significant financial moves without the knowledge of the other” (Thesimpledollar.com). This includes everything from opening secret bank accounts, lying about paying bills to spending vast sums of money, while hiding the bills. According to NPR.org, “41% of American adults admit to” engaging in financial infidelity and it seems that the trend is on the rise.

According to an ABC7 news report, “Millennials are more likely than other age group to lie” to their significant others about their finances. These lies could be fairly harmless, such as telling partners that they have less money than they actually do. ABC7 suggests that this is because they want a “Freedom Fund,” in case the relationship fails. Obviously, it’s a lot worse when it goes the other way and there isn’t enough money in the bank to pay for a bagel, let alone pay the mortgage.

At this point, the divorce rate for financial infidelity is lower compared to the divorce rate for the more visceral type of infidelity. However, studies say that, for those affected, “76% reported that it harmed their relationship and 10% said that it resulted in divorce” (Investopedia.com). Even if the suffering spouse forgives, I would imagine it would always be a theme running through her/his head: What else don’t I know about?

Most of the literature advises that couples speak candidly with each other before their upcoming marriage regarding debt – there should only be a few surprises on the wedding night, and they should be fun ones. Logically, and in most states, “you are not legally responsible for bills racked up before getting married” (Badcredit.org). In “common law” states, “debts incurred by one spouse are usually that spouse’s debts alone” (Nolo.com). However, if you decide to open a joint account, no matter who blew the money, both spouses are liable (Incharge.org). Most experts agree that, although someone might get their feelings hurt, it’s probably for the best to maintain separate accounts and credit cards.

And since you’re already going to be hurting your intended’s feelings, Foxbusiness.com suggests a pre or postnuptial agreement to further protect yourself. It’s not very romantic, granted, but it might keep you afloat if your spouse develops a nasty gambling addiction.

Getting married is a big deal. Staying married is an even bigger deal. If you’re suffering from financial infidelity, why don’t you and your spouse meet with a Bourke Accounting pro? A Bourke Accounting specialist won’t take sides or encourage you to do weird marriage counsler-like exercises, but I wouldn’t be over-reaching when I say that a Bourke Accounting rep might be able to provide the tools to save your marriage.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.

Years ago, I wanted to visit a pal in Philadelphia. Living in NYC, I didn’t have a car. My friend suggested that I take a Greyhound bus (except he called it “The Dirty Dog”). The fare was unbelievably cheap and the station was conveniently located. Finally, it was only about 2 hours to Philly. I assured myself that I could deal with anything for 2 hours.

Once on the bus, a gentleman sat next to me. He had an eyepatch and, as soon as he was settled, he took off his shirt. And then he started talking. I was annoyed, as I had planned to stare vacantly out of the window. However, after the first 5 minutes, I found myself completely engaged in his life. 10 siblings in a 2-bedroom house, Marine, Hell’s Angel, transporter of illegal powdered goods, this man had quite the backstory.

As we were saying “goodbye,” I finally asked him what happened to his eye. He flipped up his patch to reveal a completely normal eye. “I think it looks cool,” he said, giving me a slow wave and melting into a crowd of weary travelers.

He was right. It did look cool.

Traveling long distances by bus might not appeal to some. You have no control over your seatmate, the bathroom is less than hygienic and a lot of bus stations are in rather rough neighborhoods. In addition, there have been Greyhound horror stories of violence (the most famous happened in 2008. I’m not including a link, as it’s seriously grisly) both inside busses and in stations. Finally, there is the stigma that Greyhound bus patrons are either crazy or on heavy drugs – sometimes both.

I think The Dirty Dog should be a rite of passage for all. This is not travel in a pristine airplane with fresh smelling recirculated oxygen. You don’t simply close your eyes in one city only to wake up in another brightly lit airport. No, not at all. On the bus, food breaks take place in seemingly abandoned truck stops, one can’t help but to make the acquaintance of different people and, most importantly, one will witness the world. There is something fascinating in watching the vegetation change, seeing the slow, but obvious, shift from one region to another. Even the billboards change!

Is bus travel dangerous? Let’s face it: all travel is dangerous; pirates sank boats and highwaymen robbed trains. With a little vigilance, a bus trip will be fine. Make sure you keep your bags with you, don’t flash a lot of money, don’t fall asleep on the bus if the guy next to you is drooling and pointedly staring at your throat while continuously muttering, “Gonna get ‘em all.” But the experience is worth it. Get off the bus with a cynical and mysterious air and know the journey was the important part.

Bourke Accounting wants you to have new and exciting experiences. However, your tax preparation and bookkeeping encounters should be kept on the fairly dull side. While our Bourke Accounting experts are intriguing individuals, their talent, knowledge and honesty will leave you with very few surprises. This is not to say that a Bourke Accounting pro isn’t adventurous enough to bus hop with you, but let’s get your return done first.

Come see us any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.


Between pedestrian-killing, self-driving Ubers, weird things that Amazon’s Alexa is known to say and robot cops that tell people to go away when a crime is reported (and then sing a little song), there are still a few kinks to work out with automation.

For example, the New York City subway once employed booth attendants at the entrance of every station. However, by 1997, attendants were being quietly replaced by fare-dispensing machines (Wikipedia.org). And crime, after a decades-long hiatus, has started to wake up again. Last year, The New York Times reported, “transit crimes were up 3.8 percent…according to the police.” Surely it couldn’t be because flesh and blood has been replaced by metal, right? That’s what riders believe. It stands to reason that when a live human, and first deterrent against crime, is switched out for a vending machine, things might go a little sideways.

With automation, the most important casualty is the human element. Walk into any Kroger Supermarket and you’ll, generally, see more self-checkout stations than human assisted ones. There will be a few bored looking workers standing by to help if you want to buy alcohol or if the scanner doesn’t recognize a banana, but they don’t seem to have much to do. According to Bizjournals.com, “retail has lost more than 140,000 jobs since January 2017 and is still declining despite…growth in nearly every other sector.”

However, it’s not just cashier jobs that are becoming obsolete. CNBC.com offers a bleak future for some of us when they report that “many food preparation, office administration (hey! What?!! That’s me!) and transportation jobs will be taken over by machines.” Creative, technical and other jobs that require “interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence” will most likely be safe. For now.

The arguments for automation are logical. Of course, there are lower operating costs after the initial investment, no missed time for sickness or broken hearts and no personality clashes among workers. Not to mention, the productivity of a machine far surpasses the output of a mere mortal, and with fewer errors (that is, if programmed correctly).

Perhaps I have watched too many robot horror movies, perhaps I fear the unknown.  However.  Just because the technology is becoming available to replace most of us in the workforce, I don’t know that it’s a very good idea. Let’s just take a second to remember psychotic Hal 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, shall we?

Bourke Accounting doesn’t have receptionist robots. Bourke Accounting doesn’t have accountant robots. Accounting, after all, is one of those jobs that require “emotional intelligence.” A calculator or computer program will give you the right answer (maybe), but that’s it. A Bourke Accounting pro can give you solutions regarding any problem you might find yourself mired in. Your Bourke Accounting representative is both sensitive and capable of seeing the long view, which Alexa, at this point, is unable to do.

Come see us humans any time. Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at www.bourkeaccounting.com. See you soon!

Written by Sue H.