It is October 17, 2019.  Did you know that, exactly 32,142 days (or 88 years) ago, Al Capone was sentenced in court for tax evasion?

First, let me start by saying that I, in no way, condone crime, organized or otherwise.  Let me further continue that there will always be a special place in my heart for Alphonse Gabriel “Al” Capone.  Mixed messages, right?

I was born in Chicago in a sort of harsh neighborhood and all of us kids knew (a sanitized version, at least) about Al Capone by the time we were eight years old.  And, not that it’s important, most of us had last names ending in vowels.  We felt a certain sort of pride regarding Mr. Capone, even if we weren’t exactly sure why.  I’m not going to give you a history of Al Capone, but here is a really great resource if you’re curious: Al Capone

Why did we love Capone?  Maybe we thought of him as a kind of Robin Hood (he did start one of the first soup kitchens), superhero, bad guy with a heart of gold sort of guy.  Eight year old kids surely haven’t been the only ones enamored by Al Capone: check out the original Scarface with Paul Muni, the (rather bizarre) remake with Al Pacino, The Godfather, etc.  It’s not just ladies who love outlaws.  Americans have always rooted for the anti-hero – my guess is that it’s because they always look so sharp.

However, I was torn.  I loved the devil-may-care criminal, but, and here’s the big thing, my father was an accountant.  Part of me cherished that, while the gun-toting mercenaries couldn’t lay a hand on Capone, it was an accountant who brought the big man down.  A pencil pushing, bean-counting, green eyeshade wearing, low-key, soft-spoken, educated gentleman did what Eliot Ness and The Untouchables couldn’t.  If that doesn’t make a young girl idolize her father, I don’t know what could.

So, on the anniversary of Al Capone’s downfall, let’s take a minute to honor those stalwart women and men who keep us out of trouble.  Let’s raise a glass to the unsung conquerors of arithmetic and obscure tax laws.  Accountants prove that, for sure, the pen is mightier than the sword.

You aren’t Al and Bourke Accounting doesn’t have Frank Wilson waiting in the wings.  However, Bourke Accounting is part of a proud and prestigious history and can help you with your financial needs.  Avoid prison by talking with the experts at Bourke Accounting and make sure that you’re on the up and up.

Come see us any time.  Our number is 502-451-8773 and don’t forget to visit our website at  See you soon!

P.S. Also, check out interesting things around Louisville.  Tim Bourke told me how the Seelbach Hotel actually has a secret room, complete with hidden escape tunnels, where Al Capone and others played covert poker games.  I mean, come on!  History is amazing!

Written by Sue H.