Even during these chaotic times, The Bourke Accounting Book Club is still reading. Recently, the selection was Sara, Book 1, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Basically, the premise is that if you put positive vibes out into the world, good things will happen to you. Instead of telling yourself what you don’t want in life,… Read More

Fighting against authority can be a very good thing. If women and men hadn’t fought, slavery would still be practiced, women would still be property and the killing of those who love the “wrong” people would still be permissible. As an intelligent species, it is our duty to rise up and demand fair treatment from… Read More

The Bourke Accounting website declares that we think “tax and accounting work is fun” and you are invited to come play with us. If you’ve ever sat down with a Bourke tax preparer or bookkeeper, you know that this is true; our staff likes to laugh. From the music that constantly plays to the sleepy… Read More

Whether I leave late or show up on weekends, I feel safe going to work at Bourke Accounting. There’s a guy across the street selling hot dogs, women power walk around the building during breaks (their arms wildly, maniacally swinging) and parents jog with aerodynamic baby carriages. There’s a civilized air about the area that… Read More

I am a feminist: women and men are equal. That’s it, end of my concept and moving on. Tim was first made aware of this at a Bourke Accounting staff meeting when he referred to his most exalted and loyal (mainly female) workers as “you girls.” Before we gather the pitchforks, poor Tim had never… Read More

I wouldn’t say that we’re over-the-top, dedicated health enthusiasts at Bourke Accounting, but we try to stay active and eat sensibly. In the break room, bottled water and granola bars share space with cookies and chips; we follow the old “everything in moderation” credo. During our staff lunch meetings, no one gorges themselves and no… Read More

Diversity is good. At Bourke Accounting, we welcome pretty much everyone (unless you kick animals for fun. I swear, you will feel Bill’s highly shined Italian leather loafer if you do that). Our America culture has been greatly improved by the practices and beliefs of other countries. Although a lot of introduced food has been… Read More