Life has gotten very odd. At Bourke Accounting, people can’t stop to chat when dropping off their paperwork. Smiles are hidden behind masks and there are no more handshakes; everyone seems to be sizing each other up as potential harbingers of plague. However, there is a certain – albeit physically distant – solidarity because we… Read More

  If we had a time machine, we could watch ten years younger me walking my dog, Mike, down a snowy, Brooklyn street. If we followed for another block, we’d see Mike abruptly sit, stare up at me (sadly), lift one paw, then the other. I would audibly sigh, pick up my 50-pound dog and… Read More

I think, that for renters, the almost impossible dream at the end of the day, is home ownership.  There is something attractive about a little corner of the world that belongs to you.  After five years of renting a place, there is a letdown when one is left with only a myriad of sagging boxes… Read More